Community Resilience Forum Information Packet: Here at last!
Good evening Community Resilience Forum Focus Group!
We're just hours away from welcoming you all to the First Annual Community Resilience Forum!
Please take some time to peruse the final draft of the Info Packet, this is now the document you'll all be getting tomorrow to guide you through what you'll be hearing from our panel tomorrow. I appreciate your patience on the guide, as you'll see it's quite the document! I hope you all find it to be a useful tool for engaging with the panel and one another.
We'll be on site for check in starting at 10:45 am. Once you're signed in and have been given your resource packet we'll share lunch and start getting into the discussion around noon.
Stipends will be dispursed at the end of the voting process.
Anyone who really needs to head out early obviously can, I'll have a mechanism for you to put in your two cents that you'll be informed of during the event.
That being said, I'd really appreciate any of those who can to stay for the duration, the end of the event is really the heart of the thing. So if you have to, come late, don't leave early.
I'm really looking forward to seeing you all!
Best Regards,
Michael Fernandez
DIstrict Manager; Bennington County Conservation District